Dutch Memoir JUDAS Being Developed As A Series by Atlas & Amblin TV

13 oktober, 2017 - /nieuws/1630/dutch-memoir-judas-being-developed-as-a-series-by-atlas-amblin-tv.html

Judas  is the unbelievable but true story which follows Holleeder’s life as the youngest sister to Willem “Wim” Holleeder, the Netherland’s most notorious criminal mob boss. After serving as his consigliere for years, Astrid wrestled with the decision to take the biggest risk of her life: to turn against her brother after the brutal murder of their own brother-in-law. Judas is described as a story about family, betrayal and a woman’s journey of empowerment through the ...

Deals 2017

19 april, 2017 - /nieuws/1285/deals-2017.html

UK rights for Judas by Astrid Holleeder were sold to John Murray Publishers World Spanish rights for Judas by Astrid Holleeder were sold to Reservoir Books (an imprint at Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial) via WME Rights for Television series for Judas by Astrid Holleeder were sold to Atlas Entertainment and Amblin Television (via WME) World Arabic Rights for Havoc by Tom Kristensen were sold to Al Mutawassit (in coordination with Gyldendal Agency) World English Rights fo...

Stem op 'Judas' voor de Hebban Award voor non-fictie

28 september, 2017 - /nieuws/1552/stem-op-judas-voor-de-hebban-award-voor-non-fictie.html

Stemmen kan hier. Hebban schrijft het volgende over Judas : In krap twee maanden tijd werd Judas het bestverkochte boek van 2016. Er gingen dat jaar bijna 400 duizend exemplaren over de toonbank. Het verhaal van Astrid Holleeder over haar broer, topcrimineel Willem Holleeder, voerde maandenlang de Bestseller 60 en de populariteitslijsten van Hebban aan. Hebban-recensent Guy Doms: ‘In dit indrukwekkende en beangstigende familieportret geeft Astrid Holleeder duidel...

William Morris Entertainment and Lebowski Publishers start exclusive partnership

5 oktober, 2017 - /nieuws/1612/william-morris-entertainment-and-lebowski-publishers-start-exclusive-partnership.html

LEBOWSKI both publishes and represents some of the biggest Dutch authors including bestselling suspense writer Saskia Noort (more than 3 million copies of her books have sold in Holland alone), Lebowski will publish a new book by Noort in March 2018. Lebowski also published the Dutch bestselling memoir JUDAS by Astrid Holleeder: JUDAS has sold half million copies in less than 9 months and was the best sold book in Holland in 2016.   WME is now representing all unsold internati...

Terugkijken: profiel Astrid Holleeder bij Brandpunt

15 februari, 2017 - /nieuws/1101/terugkijken-profiel-astrid-holleeder-bij-brandpunt.html

We brachten de redactie van Brandpunt in contact met een aantal personen in Astrids leven die in haar boek beschreven staan: haar jeugdliefde Pierre van Dam ('Ze was heel slim, héél slim'), haar collega-advocaat Menno bij Coumans & Van Gaalen ('We kozen er bewust niet voor om Holleeder in de naam van ons kantoor op te nemen, want je weet nooit wat voor mensen dat aantrekt') en beste vriendin en basketbalmaatje Ilona. Ook Peter R. de Vries komt aan het woord. Kijk de ...

Diary of a Witness by Astrid Holleeder published today

27 oktober, 2017 - /nieuws/1689/diary-of-a-witness-by-astrid-holleeder-published-today.html

While Judas is the story about the decision to testify against her brother Willem Holleeder, Diary of a Witness is rather about the consequences of that far-reaching decision. What were the effects on the lives of the Holleeder family: on mother Stien, sister Sonja, the children and their partners, the grandchildren and above all: on Astrid herself? Diary of a Witness offers  us a glimpse into the life of someone who, out of necessity, has had to go into hiding and for whom no...

Saskia Noort’s Stromboli cover is a visual rebus that makes you puzzle

14 mei, 2018 - /nieuws/2081/saskia-noort-s-stromboli-cover-is-a-visual-rebus-that-makes-you-puzzle.html

Stromboli’s nearly violently beaming cover is designed by Janet Hansen, who – as a senior designer for New York publisher Alfred Knopf – is responsible for many successful covers. ‘I’m always browsing for international book designers,’ Van Gelderen says, ‘and Hansen’s work caught my eye. Very stylish and graphic, but soulful too. She turned out to be open to working with us.’   Behind the exploding light on S...

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